LEAP and the URBE were massively represented at the Benelux Congress of Zoology (14 URBE members – a record) organized in Mons by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society. These two days gave the opportunity to young researchers to present their first results or even their thesis project during a talk or a poster session. All the aspects of biology were depicted in 3 parallel sessions and 2 plenary speakers (Dr Nicola Nadeau and Dr Peter Ladurner). On behalf of the zoological society and the Pairi Daiza Foundation, Frédéric Silvestre also handed out the 2024 “Pairi Daiza Foundation prize for biodiversity and conservation research” to Dr Joëlle De Weerdt from Vrij Universiteit Brussel. Her project aims to investigate the risk of collision between humpback whales and boat off the Pacific shore of Central America. For LEA, Justine Bélik, Mélusine Chevalier and Maxime Debources gave great talks about their PhD or MSc thesis, while Sarah Ayoub-Lambin and Théo Azama exhibited a poster. See you all next year in Amsterdam !