Anthony Mathiron, our former post-doc researcher, published his last data collected at LEAP in the Belgian Journal of Zoology, a completely free access journal managed by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society. This article is entitled : ” Water-borne cortisol levels show individuality and predict bold/shy behaviors in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias marmoratus”. It is the…
Category: Behavior
New publication from Anthony Mathiron
Our new article has been written by our former post-doc researcher, Anthony Mathiron, and has been published in the excellent Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (IF 5.8). It looks at the use of the photomotor response test (PMR) in animals in the context of ecotoxicology. The PMR test can be used to observe the effects of…
New research project on the mangrove rivulus
LEAP received a nice Saint-Nicolas present from FNRS with a grant for a research project entitled “The epigenetic origin of behavioral traits variability in a self-fertilizing fish: the mangrove rivulus”. One of the greatest challenges in evolutionary biology is to determine how epigenetic mechanisms contribute to phenotypic variability, on which selection can act. The general…
Best presentation for Alessandra Carion
Our PhD student Alessandra Carion won the award of the best oral presentation at the ILEE research day, UNamur. ILEE is the Institute of Life, Earth and Environment and put together laboratories from different fields (Biology, Geology, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Law, History,…). It was the first research day organized since the Institutes exists. Alessandra presented…
New article published on the effects of BMAA on the mangrove rivulus
Our two master students, Julie Hetru and Angèle Markay, published preliminary data during their master thesis under the supervision of Alessandra Carion. It is our first article related to behavioral effects of pollutant exposure (the natural neurotoxin BMAA -ß-N-methylamino-L-alanine) during fish development. It successfully used the mangrove rivulus as an ecotoxicological model to assess the…
ISBE conference 2018
Alessandra Carion and Frederic Silvestre attended the conference ISBE 2018 at Minneapolis, Minnesota, from August 11th to 16th. This conference is organized every other year by the International Society for Behavioral Ecology and bring together scientists working on animal behavior in a context of ecology and evolution. Alessandra presented few results obtained recently for her…