Frédéric Silvestre has been invited in the PhD thesis jury of Noemie Guirandy about the reprotoxicity of gamma irradiance on zebrafish. Great thesis co-supervised by the Université of Aix-Marseille, the IRSN (Institut de radioprotection et de sûreté nucléaire), and the University f Bordeaux. The defense has been held in a beautiful site at the castle…
Category: zebrafish
New article published in Environmental Pollution
A new article from Elodie Falisse’s thesis has been published in the journal Environmental Pollution. This study is the first in collaboration with Dr Aniruddha Chatterjee from the University of Ortago, New Zealand, which aimed at identifying the epigenetic effects of an exposure to a common pollutant (the antibacterial agent Triclosan) during the development of…
Elodie Falisse is graduated
Congratulations to Elodie who has brilliantly defended her PhD dissertation in February 2018. During 2h, she explained and discussed her main results obtained during 6 years of teaching assistantship at UNamur. She has been working on the effects of the bactericide triclosan on the zebrafish. Originally, she combined physiological, biochemical, proteomics, epigenetics and behavioral approaches…
New article published in Aquatic Toxicology
Our PhD student Elodie Falisse has published a research article in Aquatic Toxicology about the effects of the bactericide product Triclosan on zebrafish larvae. She combined multidisciplinary approaches such as physiology, biochemistry and proteomics. Main results suggest that triclosan might disturb the development of zebrafish larvae and induce compensatory mechanisms. The article can be found…
Two new articles published
LEAP has just published two new scientific articles that are now available online. First one is our first article related to epigenetics in the zebrafish and is the result of Jennifer Dorts work (with the help of Elodie Falisse ane Enora Flamion). We emphasize the effects of environmental stressors during the embryogenesis of this model…
LEAP at the North America SETAC meeting
This year, LEAP was well represented at the North America 36th Annual SETAC meeting held in Salt Lake City, Utah, from November 1st to 5th. SETAC is the world most important scientific society of ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology. Elodie Falisse, Anne-Sophie Voisin and Frederic Silvestre all had an oral presentation in different sessions. We also…
SICB meeting at West Palm Beach
Our laboratory will be present at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual meeting 2015. This conference will be held in West Palm Beach, Florida : On January 4th, Frederic will give a talk on : “Protein expression profiles in the least killifish, Heterandria formosa, exposed to copper during early life stage :…