We are happy to congratulate Simon Ven Den Broucke, Aurélien Boulez, Thomas Deom et Gil Gallengo for their successful thesis defense. They are on their way to be graduated from UNamur/UCLouvain and become master in organism biology and ecology.
Category: mémoires
Thèmes de mémoires 2022
Les thèmes de mémoires pour 2022 sont maintenant disponibles. Il y a 5 thèmes reprenant plusieurs sujets possibles chez nos deux poissons modèles, le rivulus des mangroves et le killifish turquoise.
Master thesis projects 2020
The new master thesis subjects are available for the year 2020. There is a project on the mangrove rivulus and one on the turquoise killifish. You can find a short description here.
New article published on the effects of BMAA on the mangrove rivulus
Our two master students, Julie Hetru and Angèle Markay, published preliminary data during their master thesis under the supervision of Alessandra Carion. It is our first article related to behavioral effects of pollutant exposure (the natural neurotoxin BMAA -ß-N-methylamino-L-alanine) during fish development. It successfully used the mangrove rivulus as an ecotoxicological model to assess the…
Master thesis (mémoires) proposed in 2019
The research subjects proposed at LEAP to master students can be found on this page. For prospective students, thank you to contact Frédéric Silvestre to have more details about the proposals. Sujets de mémoires 2018-2019 LEAP
Ecobim conference in Bordeaux
This year, the conference Ecobim has been held at the University of Bordeaux (http://ecobim.ca/colloques/ecobim-2018/). This conference put together specialists in ecotoxicology from the french speaking countries, mainly France and Canada. Since 2017, Belgium is also participating, as well as 6 other countries. Frédéric Silvestre, Julie Hetru and Angèle Markey were present in Bordeaux. Julie gave…
Master thesis subjects 2018
You can find here the different subjects for prospective master students. Please contact us if you are interested in one of these proposals. Details of the subjects here Powerpoint presentation here Record of the ppt presentation here (10′)
Congratulations to our MSc students
Our MSc students Morgane Van Antro and Toa Avalos Cascante have brightly defended their thesis and have now left Belgium for international internships. Their works investigated how the mangrove rivulus responds to environmental stress during early life stages. Some amazing results will be published during the following months.
Mémoires 2015 – MSc thesis 2015
Chers étudiants, vous pouvez trouver un descriptif succinct des thèmes de mémoire proposés lors de la séance d’information de ce lundi 29 septembre. Merci de télécharger le pdf sur le lien ci-dessous. Merci de nous contacter directement. Dear prospective students. You can find below the proposals for a MSc thesis in 2015. Thanks to contact…