Some pictures of the mangrove rivulus, Kryptolebias marmoratus, taken in lab aquarium, can be found here ! Please, ask authorization to Frédéric Silvestre for using it.
New article published in Aquatic Toxicology
A new article entitled “Effects of cadmium exposure on the gill proteome of Cottus gobio:Modulatory effects of prior thermal acclimation” has been published in Aquatic Toxicology (IF:3.730) by our post-doc researher Jennifer Dorts : Aquatic organisms such as fish are, in most cases, exposed to multiple stressors simultaneously or in sequence that are either…
Marine Biology training in Roscoff
The marine biology practical training has been held in Roscoff, Brittany, at the famous biological station with the motivated 2nd bachelor students. Many interesting observations of the marine life such as the northern gannet, the atlantic puffin, pycnogonids, and much more…
New job position for a post-doc in ecological epigenetics !
One post-doctoral position is available starting next summer (between July and September 2014) for a period of 2 years. Postdoctoral research will be primarily conducted at the University of Namur (Belgium), Laboratory of Evolutionary and Adaptive Physiology (Prof. F. Silvestre). The goal of the present project is to investigate how epigenetic information allows a single genotype to…
Press article on the mangrove rivulus project
A general press article in french has been published on the mangrove rivulus project. You can find it on this link to the bulletin de FUUP (Forum UNESCO – Université et patrimoine) :
Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology Meeting 2014
The upcoming Intersociety Meeting in Comparative and Evolutionary Physiology, will be organized by the American Physiological Society with several sponsoring societies (see below) in San Diego, CA, October 5-8, 2014. The website for the meeting is available at: A call for abstracts will be made shortly, and abstracts will be due July 9, 2014….
A special issue on Epigenetics in the journal “Evolution”
Adrien Bauchau Award goes to Anne-Sophie Voisin
Congratulations to our PhD student Anne-Sophie Voisin. She has won the award of the best MSc thesis in ecology and organism biology for her work on the impacts of triclosan on zebrafish. This prize is awarded by the Fundation Adrien Bauchau : She shares this prize with Benjamin Lejeune, another student who made his…
Thesis defense of Sophie Depiereux
Sophie Depiereux (PhD student under the supervision of P Kestemont) will present her thesis this coming Thursday at 4:30 pm. This is a public defense and any intersted people are welcome. It will be held at UNamur at the auditorium L12. The title of the thesis is :”New insights on the male to female transdifferentiation…
Thesis defense of Bui Thi Bich Hang
Hang (PhD student under the supervision of P Kestemont) will present her thesis this coming Friday at 2:30 pm. This is a public defense and any intersted people are welcome. It will be held at UNamur at the auditorium CH12. The title of the thesis is :”Effects of immunostimulants on the immune response and bacterial…