Anthony Mathiron, our former post-doc researcher, published his last data collected at LEAP in the Belgian Journal of Zoology, a completely free access journal managed by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society. This article is entitled : ” Water-borne cortisol levels show individuality and predict bold/shy behaviors in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias marmoratus”. It is the…
Category: publication
Editorial in Epigenomes
Frédéric Silvestre has published an editorial view with his colleague Dr Bambarendage (University of Michigan) for a special issue of Epigenomes about environmental epigenetics. This editorial summarises the current questions in ecological and evolutionary epigenetics and introduces the original articles published in this special issue. You can read this editorial here.
New publication from Anthony Mathiron
Our new article has been written by our former post-doc researcher, Anthony Mathiron, and has been published in the excellent Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology (IF 5.8). It looks at the use of the photomotor response test (PMR) in animals in the context of ecotoxicology. The PMR test can be used to observe the effects of…
New publication about the insecticide permethrin
Our post-doc researcher Anthony Mathiron just published a research article in Aquatic Toxicology about the immediate and delayed effects of the insecticide permethrin on our fish model, the mangrove rivulus. This species is becoming a great model choice for ecotoxicology studies and the roles of epigenetics, showing a naturally very low level of genetic diversity….
New article in Aquatic Toxicology
Our new research article is now online in Aquatic Toxicology. It investigates the effects of methylmercury exposure in early life stages of mangrove rivulus fish at behavioral, gene expression and methylation levels. Congrats to Valentine Chapelle for her work! This article is a part of her PhD thesis.,3oDQuOF4
Histone acetylation in the mangrove Rivulus
Third article in a row for our former post-doc Alexandre Fellous who has just published in the journal “Gene” his third article about epigenetics in our fish model, the mangrove Rivulus. He described the 27 enzymes involved in histone acetylation (KAT) and 17 in deacetylation (HDAC) as well as their dynamics during embryogenesis. This study aimed…
New article using proteomics in the rivulus
A new publication from our former PhD student Anne-Sophie Voisin is now available in Journal of Proteomics. We showed that adult mangrove rivulus exposed during early life stages to an endocrine disrupting chemical (17-alpha-ethinylestradiol) present significant changes on the protein expression profile in brain, liver and gonads in adults, 5 months after the end of…
New article in Daily Science about our review on neurotoxicity
You can find the link here
Eco-neurotoxicity review
We’re happy to have published a review about the assessment of neurotoxicity of chemicals on wild species. This review has been published in Environmental Sciences Europe and put together 38 well-recognized scientists. It emphasizes the necessity to assess for neurotoxicity the thousands of chemicals that enter the natural environment due to human activities. Potential neurotoxicity…
New article about epigenetics in the mangrove rivulus
Our former post-doc researcher Alexandre Fellous has published the first data on histone methyltransferase (Kmt) and demethylase (Kdm) enzymes in our killifish model, the mangrove rivulus. This article has been published in the journal “Gene” and is a starting point to deeper analyze histone modifications during embryogenesis and the implication of epigenetic mechanisms in adaptation…