Anthony Mathiron, our former post-doc researcher, published his last data collected at LEAP in the Belgian Journal of Zoology, a completely free access journal managed by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society. This article is entitled : ” Water-borne cortisol levels show individuality and predict bold/shy behaviors in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias marmoratus”. It is the…
Category: RBZS
Benelux Congress of Zoology 2024
LEAP and the URBE were massively represented at the Benelux Congress of Zoology (14 URBE members – a record) organized in Mons by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society. These two days gave the opportunity to young researchers to present their first results or even their thesis project during a talk or a poster session. All…
Frédéric has been reelected at the RBZS
After a first term of 2 years, Frédéric Silvestre has been reelected at the Presidency of the Royal Belgian Zoological Society for a second and last term. This scientific society was created in 1863 and is dedicated to put together scientists involved in animal research in its broadest sense, including evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, conservation…
Master Day 2022
The Master Day 2022 was organised the 26th of November by the Royal Belgian Zoological Society at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels. It was the opportunity for 150 students in biology from all parts of Belgium to discover the great master programs from our Universities. The Kets prize for the best…
Benelux Congress of Zoology in Kortrijk
Eventually, after the covid period, the Royal Belgian Zoological Society could organize the Benelux Congress of Zoology face-to-face in Kortrijk, the 22nd and 23rd of September 2022. We had very diverse talks about many animal species, such the one of our post-doc AnthonyMathiron on the immediate and delayed effects of an insecticide on the mangrove…
New Pairi Daiza grant
We are glad to announce a new grant for biologists: the Royal Belgian Zoological Society (whose Frederic Silvestre is the president) and the Pairi Daiza Foundation aim to encourage with a grant (2.500 euros) the research done in Zoological gardens and dealing with biodiversity and animal conservation. If you are a zoologist researcher working in…